Beliefs and the Power of Change

If you have arrived here from my YouTube channel, welcome. The questions above are from Episode 4 of From Burnout to Authentic Alignment which you can watch here. What Are Your Beliefs? Beliefs and change are topics I talk a lot about in therapy. Our beliefs shape the way we see the world and influence …

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My Feature in Brand You Magazine

Brand You Magazine This magazine showcases female founders and businesswomen who are striking out on their own, leaving behind corporate careers and regular day-jobs. I have been a subscriber for a while now, so to have the chance to feature in Brand You Magazine was very exciting! Working with Enfys Maloney on my business afforded …

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12 Steps From Burnout to Authentic Alignment

Grow From Burnout to Authentic Alignment If you have landed here from my YouTube Channel, welcome. If you have landed on this blog post, please take a look at my YouTube series of the same name here.  In the YouTube series we will cover the healing journey in 12 steps from burnout to authentic alignment. …

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Award-Winning Hypnotherapy

An Award-Winning Therapy Practice I am proud to run my practice and provide award-winning hypnotherapy, both in person and online. The photo above was taken at the Gala Dinner at the Hilton Hotel, Syon Park, where I won Silver in the Best Businesswoman of the Decade Category at The Best Businesswomen Awards, 2024. What Makes …

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The Authentic Connection VIP Coaching Day

Authentic Connection Coaching: What is it, and how can it help you lead a better life? Dedicating time to self-care might feel alien to you. It isn’t that you don’t want to practise self-care, it’s that you simply don’t have the time, or the tools, to make it happen. You might be asking yourself: How do I …

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Why Doesn’t Meditation Work for Me?

How Can I Learn to Meditate? Meditation can be such a frustrating concept. Everyone seems to be talking about it! We know it’s good for us, but we just can’t: Find the time Find the patience Get it to work When you work a full-time job, have a family to feed and have very little time …

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How Long Does Hypnotherapy Take to Work?

Many of my clients lead very busy lives, so its hardly a surprise that one of the most common questions I get asked is: how long does hypnotherapy take to work? For people working tough jobs and raising a family, time is certainly of the essence. The truth is, no two people are the same; …

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Stress and Burnout

Stress versus Burnout: A Quick Guide for Busy Professionals

Understanding the difference between stress versus burnout is vital for prevention and recovery, especially for busy professionals.  Many of my clients are far up a corporate ladder with a family to feed, so frequent run-ins with stress and burnout are common in their world. But they don’t always know what they’re dealing with, and they …

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Best Businesswoman Awards Nomination

Businesswoman of The Decade Finalist I am thrilled to announce that Best Businesswoman Awards has nominated me for their latest award: Businesswoman of the Decade! Last year, I won gold and silver awards for “Customer Service” and “Best Consumer Business”, so I’m excited to already be announcing another nomination. Now a bit of a veteran …

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How to Host a Book Launch

How do you host a book launch? This is a question I’m thrilled to now know the answer to. Writing a book has always been a dream of mine, and I’m honestly still on Cloud 9 since the launch of Too Kind: A Survival Guide for Sensitive Souls.    After an immensely rewarding (yet stressful!) experience, …

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