Creating Your Vision with Vision Boards


How Do You Create Your Vision?

Creating your vision is an empowering way to decide what you want for your future. If you have a vision and an idea of what you would like to happen in your life, your mind sets about achieving that for you and bringing that into reality. As we know, many things that we do or achieve, start with a single thought. The single idea that you might want to do or experience something plants the seed in your mind. Your unconscious mind is often looking for ways to bring you closer to that desired outcome. A great way to help you develop this vision is by using images. You unconscious mind will absorb these ideas and help you bring them to reality. This happens anyway, but with a little thought, you can create your vision consciously.

Creating Vision Boards 

Let’s say, you have a vague idea of what you would like more of in your life: a comfortable place to live, enjoyable and fruitful work, a partner, maybe a family. Think about each of those areas – starting with a place to live. Would your dream location be where you are now or somewhere far away? Is it urban or rural? What kind of home is it? Or perhaps for you the job and career would decide where you live? Or maybe your family come before anything else, and their needs would shape your future.

Use these headings to explore images by doing an internet search and find some pictures which represent your dreams. You could work on all areas of your life, or just focus on a specific goal. It’s a great idea to put photo of yourself on the page and to use positive words and affirmations on the vision board too. All of this helps your mind in creating your vision; and it shares it with your unconscious mind too.

Now place it somewhere prominent where you will see it several times a day and let these ideas develop in your mind. When you see the vision board daily, it is below the level of conscious awareness, but it still influences your mind and reminds you of your goals.

Vision board to create your desires

Creating Your Future Reality

Whenever I have a repetitive thought that keeps calling out to me, I know it’s time to pay attention. I don’t mean a small niggling thought, but one that speaks of my deepest desires. When I have felt out of alignment in the past, it has made me become down and physically unwell. I have learned to recognise this now. It’s when my head and heart and gut are not all working towards the same outcome. It means I feel pulled in different directions and cannot just move forwards with ease towards my goals. When however, they are working together for the same ends, that’s when I feel in alignment.

What is Stopping You from Creating Your Vision?

Sometimes what we want isn’t that easy to achieve – we might have a number of blocks in the way and our circumstances could go against us. Sometimes what we realise we desire, would be very disruptive and would have knock-on effects to other people. This means modifying and adapting our ideas and working out the best way forward. There are many ways to compromise and still achieve your dreams.

How to Create Your Vision

There is only so much your unconscious mind can do in helping you dream up your vision, and then it’s time to take action! This means making decisions, creating time-bound plans and doing the actions you have broken down into steps.

If you are at a crossroads in your life or career and would my help to explore these ideas, please get in touch. You can book an Introductory Consultation with me here.



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