Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Video Episode 2: Autumn – Seasonal Veg and SAD

Episode 2 of my video series with Emma Louise Follows of Eat Live Wellness is up and available to watch on my YouTube channel here!

In this episode we talk about the changing of the seasons and how the colder, darker evenings make us want to hibernate and stock up on carbohydrates. Emma talks about seasonal root vegetables and cooking meals in batches to freeze, and I talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. This condition affects around 29% of the UK population, due to the lack of natural sunlight in the winter months, and causes symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to seasonal depression. We discuss ways to keep healthy in body and mind with practical and achievable tips and ideas.

Hope you enjoy watching and remember to subscribe to my channel or sign up to my newsletter to stay in touch!

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