Back when I was a teacher, as well as supporting colleagues professionally, I used to have people coming to talk to me about their personal issues too. I began to notice that this was happening more often, as I became more experienced. I just put it down to that. But then I noticed how often people I had just met, at parties for example, would confide in me. I used to think it happened to everyone, until I realised that it didn’t. It was something about me or my behaviour that was attracting those conversations.
This led me on to a coaching and mentoring role within the teaching profession which I found fulfilling, but it still felt like it wasn’t quite going far enough. I felt constrained by the remit of the job, because although I was there to improve teaching methods, I knew that so much of it was to do with confidence. If I was able to help in that respect, the teaching would also improve.
I began searching for ways to fulfill this ambition, and after lots of research I enrolled in the best NLP course I could find. To say it was life-changing would be an understatement. I felt as though I had finally found words for many ideas and concepts of which I had a vague understanding – and they were so practical and helpful to me and to those I worked with. I couldn’t wait to put these ideas into practice! I coached friends and colleagues (at the school where I was still teaching) and spent the next few years building my business and developing my skills in NLP and coaching. Soon after this I took the plunge and completed my diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy which gave me even more insights and tools to help the clients who I meet now.
It’s been an enlightening journey and I am still learning, every day.
Why do you do the job you do, and how did you get into it?