How to Host a Book Launch


How do you host a book launch?

This is a question I’m thrilled to now know the answer to. Writing a book has always been a dream of mine, and I’m honestly still on Cloud 9 since the launch of Too Kind: A Survival Guide for Sensitive Souls


After an immensely rewarding (yet stressful!) experience, here are four of my tips on how to host a book launch:

1. Choose the right venue for your book launch

Choosing the right venue is arguably the biggest decision involved, and includes a number of key considerations:

  • Size: do you want the event to be cosy and intimate or vast and majestic?
  • Style: does the style of the venue align with your brand and theme?
  • Budget: maaaybe you can bend a little for the right venue, but establishing a budget is key.
  • Amenities: do you require audio-visual? Parking? A bar? Make sure your venue can facilitate.

I chose Anomalous Space in Angel to host my launch: a rugged, charming and cosy event space that facilitated all of my requirements whilst enabling me to stay on budget.

The venue is the soul of your launch; make sure you take your time to figure out exactly what you need.


2. Assemble a dream team

Organising a book launch is essentially a second job, so having a team you trust is crucial. From hand-making decorations to serving catering, I enlisted the help of friends and professionals to build the book launch of my dreams.

If you’re on a budget, you don’t even need to look too far to assemble a team. Call upon your friends and loved ones to lend a hand on your big night.

3. Don’t forget to add your personality

My launch was Zeenat all over, right down to the hand soap and the candles.

This isn’t necessarily just about celebrating you and your achievements (though it should be). Having a cohesive theme/colour scheme/logo that consumers can link to your brand is key. It makes you instantly recognisable.

For example, everyone who attended my launch will associate the image of the orange tree with my brand. Even my photo-booth area and the dessert cupcakes all adorned the orange tree theme. You’ll see this same logo and theme all over my website and socials.

books on a white table with an orange tree theme

4. Catering for your book launch

Do not underestimate catering and drinks! Make sure you’re organised and have help for this part of your event, feeding and watering 100 people is not for the faint-hearted.

Here’s a few tips that I learned from my own experience:

  • Establish any dietary requirements prior to the event and make choices obvious on the night
  • Choose a variety of food and drinks
  • Get your venue to assemble a drinks package and/or food if they have the facilities
  • Bring Tupperware! (there’s always leftovers)
  • Stick to a schedule of events so food can be served at once (which will make the lives of the event staff ten times easier)

Special Thanks

To round off, I wanted to extend a special thanks to all my nearest and dearest for celebrating with me at this event. This book has been my baby for a long time, so I appreciate everyone who helped me introduce it to the world in STYLE.

Go and grab yourself a copy and let me know what you think!


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