How to Create Healthy Boundaries at Work

What are Boundaries? We all naturally have boundaries in our relationships between us and the outside world, but sometimes these can get eroded over time. For some people having robust boundaries at work comes naturally; other have to create them. Creating healthy boundaries is not easy, but it is possible and is essential for a …

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Hypnotherapy for Living Well with a Chronic Illness

  Living well with a chronic illness might sound like a contradiction, but I have learnt to do this myself, with the help of hypnotherapy. I hope this article is helpful, whether you have had a recent diagnosis of an chronic illness, or have been living with one for some time. I have had an …

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Well-Being at Work

Promoting Well-being in the Community and Wellness at Work I’m so excited to be working with Emma-Louise of Eat Live Wellness this month on our new project. We have been sharing our love of health and well-being by providing yummy pots of kimchi and krauts to eat with lunch, at local offices. We will back …

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Self Care, Self Nurture and Self Healing Workshop

Are you busy, stressed and tired? Do you feel as if you know that you need to create some time for yourself to unwind and relax, but aren’t sure how? If so, this workshop might be just for you. This workshop is a pro-active approach to health care.  Self-care is both preventative and restorative, it boosts …

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Living Well With a Chronic Illness – Top Ten Tips

Today’s post is a very personal one which I am sharing as I think it may help lots of people. As someone who loves to be creative and keep my brain busy, I have found the perfect combination of working part-time and being self employed the rest of the time is a winning combination. I …

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If you've been constantly putting others' needs before your own and you feel like you're the only one who isn't getting enough love, this video is for you. Discover 3 top tips on how to thrive in your relationships and help you to be the best you, you can be.

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