Self Care, Self Nurture and Self Healing Workshop

Are you busy, stressed and tired? Do you feel as if you know that you need to create some time for yourself to unwind and relax, but aren’t sure how? If so, this workshop might be just for you. This workshop is a pro-active approach to health care.  Self-care is both preventative and restorative, it boosts …

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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

“Can I lose weight using hypnotherapy?” is a question I get asked a lot. The quick answer is – yes, you certainly can. If you feel you understand what sorts of foods and the quantities you should be eating, and the type and amount of exercise you should be doing – and you are still …

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How to Be Happier?

Some people are naturally more easy going and happy-go-lucky than others, but can we change our natural predisposition? Martin Seligman of Positive Psychology says we can! He tells a story about how he became interested in learning more about human characters and our strengths and weaknesses (which are our areas for improvement). His daughter who was …

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Hypnotherapy for Pain Relief

Hypnotherapy for Pain What is pain? Pain is an essential mechanism which tells your brain that something in your body needs attention. Usually, we respond to that message to find out what is causing the pain. However, sometimes that message gets trapped in the body, and just continues to repeat itself. Once you have attended …

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Are you tired of being taken for granted?

If you've been constantly putting others' needs before your own and you feel like you're the only one who isn't getting enough love, this video is for you. Discover 3 top tips on how to thrive in your relationships and help you to be the best you, you can be.

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