Photos of a hypnotherapist and a stylist

Inner Confidence and Personal Style – Live Event

Inner Confidence and Personal Style – Live Event I have an exciting live event to tell you about! Discover Your Confidence Inside and Out Weds 22nd June 7.00 pm – 8.30 pm Early Bird ticket £10 only at Chi Chi’s Brunch and Nights 604 Green Lanes London N13 5RY Inner Confidence and Outer Style A …

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A Sense of Achievement

A Feeling of Achievement How does it feel when things go right and you have a sense of achievement? We spend a lot of time thinking about the things that didn’t go to plan in a day, but what if we switched our thinking to notice the good? I had an experience this morning, when …

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How to Be Happier?

Some people are naturally more easy going and happy-go-lucky than others, but can we change our natural predisposition? Martin Seligman of Positive Psychology says we can! He tells a story about how he became interested in learning more about human characters and our strengths and weaknesses (which are our areas for improvement). His daughter who was …

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What is a Hypnotherapy Download?

If you do a Google search for ‘hypnosis download’ or ‘hypnotherapy download’, you will get tens of entries taking you to websites where you can instantly download tracks to help you sleep, give up smoking, eat less, exercise more … the list is endless. The difference between the downloads I create and other ones which …

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What is Hypnotherapy?

  What Hypnotherapy Is People I meet have all sorts of preconceptions and misconceptions about what hypnotherapy is. They are also curious about how hypnotherapists work. This blog will help clear up some of the mystery. ✅ It is completely natural. This is because we go in and out of trance many times a day. …

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Are you tired of being taken for granted?

If you've been constantly putting others' needs before your own and you feel like you're the only one who isn't getting enough love, this video is for you. Discover 3 top tips on how to thrive in your relationships and help you to be the best you, you can be.

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