What is a Chronic Illness?

A chronic illness is a long-term health condition that may not have a cure but can be managed. It is categorised as chronic if it lasts for over three months. Acute illnesses on the other hand, develop quickly and last a few days or weeks. Sometimes there is a lingering chronic element to an acute illness. Some examples of chronic illnesses include cancer, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain conditions, depression, and inflammatory bowel syndrome. All of these conditions respond well to hypnotherapy. Here is some evidence you can read from Cancer Research UK.

Reading about these illnesses can be a bit depressing. They can get worse over time and usually require treatment for the rest of your life. The symptoms can vary in severity and can flare up at certain times. It can be quite a shock to face a diagnosis at first. Support and education are critical in helping you cope in this situation. There is good news coming, so please read on!

Disease versus Illness

When we talk about disease, we are talking about a specific medical condition with a known cause, such as an infection or genetic disorder. Illness on the other hand is how the patient experiences that disease. This is a much more subjective and includes the physical and psychological impact on someone’s life. People with the same disease will experience it differently, depending on many factors, including the support they have, their life experience, mindset and tolerance to pain.

How to Manage Chronic Illness

There are a number of factors to consider with management of an illness. The first port of call should be visiting doctors to discuss the treatment plan. This could include medicine, talking or physical therapy and discussions about changes you can make to your lifestyle.

In my experience, lifestyle changes are critical because this is where you will have most control. Consider the list below. Think about where you can make improvements and how you will do that:

  • Nutrition – What you are eating: What to introduce, what to reduce.
  • Exercise – Which types of exercise will be best for you?
  • Sleep – What do you need to create optimal sleep?
  • Stress management – Consider the many ways you can reduce your stress levels to a place of balance.
  • Support systems – Who can you talk to? Is there a local support group?
  • Breathing exercises – Learn diaphragmatic breathing 
  • Self-care practices – Create a menu of practices that you can choose from each day.
  • Learn as much as you can: Educate yourself so that you have a good understanding your condition. This will help you when you are communicating with medical professionals. Knowledge is power and knowing about your disease allows you have express your opinion clearly.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help

I have vast experience of helping clients who have a chronic illness. This may or may not be the main reason that they are seeking help. Sometimes they seek help for another issue. As they benefit from an overall improvement in their life, the management of the illness improves too.

There are many ways hypnotherapy can support you if you have a chronic disease.

  • Reduction in stress and anxiety:
  • Pain management
  • Improved sleep
  • Behavioural changes
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Improvement in ability to cope and self-belief
  • More positive and resilient outlook

Boundaries and Chronic Illness

I have seen a number of clients with similar personality traits who also have an auto-immune condition. They have all struggled to maintain boundaries with other people. Many of them I have spoken about in my book ‘Too Kind: A Survival Guide for Sensitive Souls’. Much of the work I have done with these clients was about improving their self-love and self-esteem. This helped them to care for themselves more, and start to be kinder to themselves. In turn, they have created better boundaries and have learnt to say ‘no’. This holistic approach to therapy has helped countless clients and it can help you too.

What Clients Are Saying

Working with Zeenat was amazing. Her treatment helped me get through a very difficult time when I was having chemotherapy. I felt very stressed at the beginning and as soon as I went to hospital my blood pressure would shoot up. It was difficult to start the treatment until it came down. I had sessions with Zeenat and I started to feel a little better. The hypnotherapy recordings helped me to calm down and to get through my treatment without feeling stressed. The nurses were amazed at how I could sit and listen to my 10 min recording of Zeenat speaking and my blood pressure would drop to a normal level! On a few occasions I played in from my phone and three other patients listened to it with me. I am so grateful to have been able to get through my treatment and make a good recovery. I cannot recommend Zeenat enough and would recommend everyone try cognitive hypnotherapy to help with any issues they have.

Don’t struggle on alone. Get in touch to see how I can help you. Book a consultation here

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