Hypnotherapy Sessions

Booking Hypnotherapy Sessions

You will find information about booking hypnotherapy sessions on this page. 


* 90 min Clarity Call

* Rapid Results 6 Week Package

* Success Booster 12 Week Package

* Deep Dive 6 Month Transformation

* The Authentic Connection 1 Year Personal Transformation Journey

* Monthly Check-In

* Quarterly Mindset MOT


Please note: Single Clarity Sessions £175. Packages start at £1,500. 1 full year of support £5,000.


Please see the descriptions of the packages below. I can help you decide which one would be best suited to you on our consultation call. You can book that here.


A woman speaking on the phone, looking at her computer

90 Minute Clarity Call Hypnotherapy Session

This single Clarity Session is only available to existing or past clients. This is a good choice if you would like to supplement the work we have already done together with a 90 minute booster session. £175

Email me to book: zeenat@zeenatahmedpeto.com

The Rapid Results Programme

The 6 week Rapid Results Package is perfect for you if you have a single issue. It would be suitable if you have time pressure. This is a good choice if you have a specific event that you are preparing for.
For example:

Client D came to me for help with a series of medical tests which she was very scared about. We needed to get her prepared to go into hospital in a few weeks' time and so the Rapid Results Package was a great choice.

Here's what she said:

"Amazing results and support. Can't thank Zeenat enough for helping with an escalating anxiety issue around diagnostic tests.

After a couple of difficult experiences I needed to nip this in the bud swiftly as I have to have regular medical tests.

Zeenat was understanding and calm from my first frantic phone call and reassuring about how we could work together on solutions. She quickly got to the heart of the matter and my responses to it. Over several sessions we worked on techniques I could draw on, which I also practised at home. I'm ecstatic to have recently completed two lengthy tests 100% successfully and will keep practising these skills for future appointments.

This is a real achievement, I'm so happy I have decided to continue my journey with Zeenat for a bit longer to work on other things. So grateful.”

What's included?

6 sessions x 1 hour of hypnotherapy

In person or online

Hypnosis recordings and text support over a 6 week period, Conditions apply, see below

The Success Booster Programme

The Success Boost Package is 12 hypnotherapy sessions over a 3 month period. This is perfect for you if feel that you have a deeper issue or one that has been a challenge for a while.

Here's an example:

Client S had developed anxiety which often manifested in crowded places or if he felt enclosed in any way. This made travelling on public transport a huge challenge, and he found it hard to stand in a queue or go out to eat with his family.

This is what Client S said after completing the Success Boost 12 Week Package:

 "I just can't believe how much I have changed from where I was, to where I am now. I had to drive to work every day because the anxiety was so bad, but now I can decide how I travel, or do anything. I now have choices that I didn't feel I had before. My world is finally opening up again.

I am so grateful that I found Zeenat. She's helped me so much, and I have got my life back."

What's included?

12 sessions x 1 hour of hypnotherapy

In person or online

Hypnosis recordings and text support over a 3 month period, Conditions apply, see below

The Deep Dive Programme

The Deep Dive 6 Month Package is perfect for you if you want to go deeper and work on multiple issues, or ones which are more ingrained. This package consists of 20 hypnotherapy sessions over 6 months.

Sometimes habit and mindset change take time, and some of my clients love the opportunity to allow the changes to develop over time.

Client R was at a crossroads in his life and wanted to work out his next steps in terms of his relationship, his career and his location. There were so many areas of dissatisfaction, but he arrived at the first session with a set of physical symptoms which were becoming debilitating. He wanted a safe place to work out exactly what he wanted and didn't want anymore.

In his own words:

"I had been having stomach aches for years, and I had simply learnt to put up with them. I didn't realise I was actually experiencing IBS until a few years ago. When my marriage hit an all-time low I realised I had been running away for years. The pains in my stomach were so bad and the doctors put it down to stress (I'd had all of the tests and treatment they could offer).

Working with Zeenat has helped me to come through some of the darkest times in my life. I am in a much more contented place, as I have worked through so many issues, and the pains are all but gone. I feel like my whole brain has been rewired and I just don't get that stressed anymore."

What's included?

20 sessions x 1 hour of hypnotherapy over 6 months

In person or online

Hypnosis recordings and text support over a 6 month period, Conditions apply, see below

The Authentic Connection Personal Transformation Journey

The Authentic Connection 1 Year Personal Transformation Journey is the ultimate package which allows you to grow and develop as the year progresses. The sessions are twice a month (except August and December, when they are once a month).

This is a new package borne out of the desire to create a deeper, more intensive hypnotherapy and coaching experience over the period of a year to create a deep personal transformation.

What's included?

20 sessions x 1 hour of hypnotherapy over 12 months

(or 16 x 1 hour plus 4 walk and Talk sessions x 90 minutes each)

In person or online

With the option to upgrade to 4 Walk and Talk Therapy sessions once a quarter. These sessions are 90 minutes long and are for clients who can meet at an agreed location.

Clients who book the 1 year Personal transformation Journey will have options to upgrade to my masterclasses, workshops and VIP Experience Days at heavily discounted prices.

Hypnosis recordings and text support over a 12 month period, Conditions apply, see below

* Terms and Conditions for the hypnotherapy packages I offer are stated below:

Hypnotherapy Sessions

The period between each session can be no less than a week. Weekly sessions are recommended for the first month, after which time sessions can be 2 or 3 weeks apart, depending on your needs. Most therapy occurs between sessions - meaning I will be working with you to create independence and confidence outside of our sessions.

Support Between Sessions

I will be available to communicate with you via text message/WhatsApp between the hours of 9.00 am and 6.00 pm seven days a week for the duration of our contract. If you need to book in a phone call, contact me by text and I will call you back.

Sessions in the 3 month and 6 month packages must be used within 6 months and 9 months of booking, respectively.

Once the Sessions End

In some cases, clients like to transition to catch up sessions - which can be a phone call, an online session or a face to face session booked at a mutually agreed time. This is particularly useful if you would like the accountability this provides. If you would like this continued support, we can put this in place.


Please pay by bank transfer on the day before the session (bank details will provided on your invoice).

Paying in Instalments

Packages can be paid for in 3 instalments. Please request this option during the consultation.

Cancellation Policy

Please allow 24 hours if you need to cancel your appointment. I reserve the right to charge the full session price for any session cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.

Schedule Your Introductory Consultation

Get in touch to discuss to book an introductory consultation.

Schedule a meeting here

Email me at zeenat@zeenatahmedpeto.com

Schedule your free

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