Setting Yourself Goals

Why Should You Set Yourself Goals?

Setting yourself goals can really help you to find a sense of direction, because you know that you are working towards achieving something. Having an end goal in mind, makes each day more meaningful, giving you a greater sense of purpose. This helps you to feel more motivated and excited about what you are doing, which can make each day more enjoyable. Thus leading to a greater sense of wellbeing and even feeling better about the future and what is coming up for you. Many people I speak to say that their ultimate goal is to feel happier, to enjoy their life, to have good relationships and to be at peace.

In this article I will talk about how to set goals and the kinds of goals you can set yourself, to increase the happiness and positivity in your life.

How to Set Yourself Goals

Start with the end in mind. Ask yourself the following questions:

Where would I be if everything worked out for the best? How would I feel? What would I be doing?

Create a vision of what you want to achieve and write it down. This is the end goal. Try to allow yourself to be open and free with your ideas at each stage of the process. Answer all of those questions and fill in as much detail as you can. Don’t skip this part – it’s a crucial step in setting your goals.

Next answer the following questions:

What small steps can I take today to help me get there?

This is where you break down your vision and set yourself the goals. You might need to break down the goals into smaller steps. Each of these smaller steps can be numbered and listed. It’s important to review these steps and goals regularly to check how you are progressing.

Next answer these questions;

What is getting in my way? What do I need to do first? How can I remove this block?

This is where you consider the obstacles in your path. What is stopping you from achieving your goal? These obstacles might be easy to bypass, or they might be longer term issues that you cannot influence. In this case, you will have to find a way around them. Use your creativity to help you.

Finally ask yourself the following questions:

What personal experience or qualities do I have that can help me achieve what I want? What do I need to help me? Who do I know who can help me?

These questions focus on your abilities or resources, which could include other people who can help you.


What Goals Should I Set Myself?

The types of goals you set yourself may be varied, from work and business goals, to health and fitness, to managing a home renovating project. If you are feeling a bit lost and know that you want to make changes in your life, consider which of the following areas you most want to improve:

  • health and fitness
  • relationships – family, friendships or romantic
  • education or career development
  • hobbies
  • finances
  • happiness and well-being
  • spirituality


This list is just an example.

Reviewing Your Goals

it is very important to look back over your list regularly to review your progress. You might have dates in your calendar or diary to help you to achieve the smaller steps, which is a good way to track your progress. It is also really important to celebrate every little success and remember the feelings of achievement. This helps your brain keep focused and helps you stay motivated and enjoying working towards our end goal.


Support For Achieving Your Goals

I support many clients to achieve their goals, in all areas of life. If you would like to find out how I can help you, please get in touch. You can book a free 30 minute initial consultation here or contact me via email at


Recommended Reading

Making small changes to your habits which you do each day can be extremely powerful when you are working towards a goal. The book I’d highly recommend is Atomic Habits by James Clear.

*Disclosure: I only recommend books I have read myself and think would benefit my readers.

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