It’s Stoptober!


It’s Stoptober – That’s October, without the cigarettes!
If you have been looking for a time to stop smoking, there’s no better time than October. There is a wealth of support out there, and you will be joining countless others who will be taking up the challenge.Take up the 28 day challenge here – statistics show that if you change your habits for 28 days, you are more likely to succeed.

Here are Ten Tips to Help You Quit

  1. Join the Stoptober campaign and make your pledge to stop.
  2. Tell your friends and colleagues – utilise their support.
  3. Read Alan Carr’s ‘Easy Way to Stop Smoking’.
  4. Make a savings goal. Put away the money you used to spend on cigarettes for a treat for yourself.
  5. Go for a walk on your cigarette break. It will take your mind off smoking, and you will be getting exercise too.
  6. Use patches or chew gum to replace the nicotine.
  7. Make a list of reasons why you want to give up, stick it up on the wall, and read it every day.
  8. Get your family involved in encouraging you.
  9. Get your partner to stop with you. You are both more likely to succeed if you do it together.
  10. Try hypnotherapy.  I help lots of people who are committed to stopping smoking, and help them make it a permanent change. This way you can utilise both your unconscious, and your conscious minds to help you become smoke-free.

Get in touch if you would like to know more, and find out how I can support you.


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