Why Doesn’t Meditation Work for Me?

How Can I Learn to Meditate? Meditation can be such a frustrating concept. Everyone seems to be talking about it! We know it’s good for us, but we just can’t: Find the time Find the patience Get it to work When you work a full-time job, have a family to feed and have very little time …

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30 Day Meditation Challenge

A Meditation Challenge for You! I love a challenge and I have been wanting to embed a mediation practise for some time now. So this month I am doing a 30 day meditation challenge over on Instagram. I’d love for you to come and join me! Click on the Instagram feed at the bottom of …

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Meditation One to One Classes

I have been asked by several people to run meditation classes and due to time commitments this hasn’t been possible for a while. To that end, I have started offering one to one sessions where I can guide and support clients to their pathway to meditation and relaxation. Perhaps you are hoping to make some …

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Are you tired of being taken for granted?

If you've been constantly putting others' needs before your own and you feel like you're the only one who isn't getting enough love, this video is for you. Discover 3 top tips on how to thrive in your relationships and help you to be the best you, you can be.

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