Why Doesn’t Meditation Work for Me?


How Can I Learn to Meditate?

Meditation can be such a frustrating concept. Everyone seems to be talking about it! We know it’s good for us, but we just can’t:

  • Find the time
  • Find the patience
  • Get it to work

When you work a full-time job, have a family to feed and have very little time for self-care, it can feel almost laughable that one could find the time to do… nothing?

Or, maybe you’ve found the time, but have quickly become deflated by the lack of results. You finally took an hour to see what this mystical practice was all about, and found yourself disappointed.

So here are some top tips to consider before you start a meditation practice:

Lower Your Expectations of Meditation

A common misconception with meditation is that you’ll feel benefits straight away, or it will fix your entire life. This might be the case for some, but it certainly isn’t a universal experience.

Research shows that meditating regularly has unmistakable benefits, but it isn’t a cure all for life’s curve-balls. It is a means to cope with them.

If you go into meditation with the expectations that you’ll feel 100 x better instantly, you’ll only be disappointed and be more likely to give up when these high bars aren’t met.

See meditation for what it is: a practice.

Take Small Steps into Meditation

You can’t lift weights at the gym once and expected strong, muscular arms. You wouldn’t expect your child to become a Maths prodigy after just one lesson; that’s unrealistic! You’d probably encourage them to focus, ask questions and try their best.

Meditation is the gym for your mind. It requires patience, consistency and dedication to see results. Consistency is key. Talking a small steps and just spending a few minutes each day focussing on your breathing can really help.

Start at a Basic Level of Meditation

When they first begin practising, many people go for silent meditation straight out the gate. Though for some this may work just fine, for others it’s like playing a game for the first time on the hardest level.

As we’ve talked about; meditation is a skill. A practice. Mastery could take months, even years.

If you’ve been trying silent meditation and cannot seem to silence the constant brain chatter, try a guided meditation instead. This is much more palatable for beginners, and, through time and effort, you’ll find that silent meditation is eventually achievable. You can download my guided meditation here.

So many people perceive meditation as sitting atop a mountain for three weeks straight, thinking of nothing but the breath.

Try a Moving Meditation

A moving meditation is just that – rather than sitting still and thinking about the cramp in your leg, you are moving. Walking provides the perfect natural movement and if you can walk outside in nature, you add extra benefits. The sounds of nature and the feeling of the elements can be very soothing and calming for the mind and the nervous system.

A simple yoga practise which involves movement and flow can be very meditative. Taiji (pronounced tai chi) and Qigong (pronounced chi gong) are also perfect ways to create a moving meditation practice.

How Meditation Can Work for You

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably played the children card when battling with meditation. There are so many things to do, and not enough time. You might have found yourself trying to play with your children, but find yourself distracted. Perhaps you are becoming irritable and overloaded at work or in your relationship. Starting a meditation practice can help in so many ways. There is no better gift you can give your loved ones than your presence, undivided attention and genuine interest.

Meditation is an investment in yourself, and it takes a bit of time and practise. It can be as simple as taking deep breaths for a few moments each day and clearing your mind.

If you are interested in learning to meditate more formally, you can find courses here. Alternatively, look locally for classes where you can learn with a meditation teacher.

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